Your specific lending environment should dictate which modules are
critical to your mission. DLM is flexible; you can add modules as your
program expands to meet your requirements and your budget. Some
modules have not yet been completed for the Cloud Edition; for these we
have provided estimated release dates.
Pricing for DLM Cloud Edition is by monthly subscription.
For current clients who are still using our legacy DLM Desktop Edition,
we’ll make the transition to DLM Cloud Edition easy for you when all the
modules you need are available. Your financial investment in the desktop
will carry over to the subscriptions and services you order from our
cloud-based system.
ACH Module
Tag loans to include in ACH routine; choose posting date for the batch; review and edit payment amounts
prior to posting
Prepare one or more NACHA files to upload to your organization’s depository bank; eliminate double-entry
in banking software
Create, print and save a list of posted transactions; use reversal feature for corrections
Adjustable Rate (AR) Module
Tag individual loans as AR loans (others will not be adjusted); adjust the interest rate for designated loans on a periodic basis (quarterly, annually, etc.); perform rate adjustments for all AR loans in a single batch operation
Analytics Module
Application Pipeline Module
Integrate fully with existing borrower tracking in DLM
Define milestones along the application process (examples of milestones: inquiry, application received, under review, approved, deferred, denied, withdrawn, etc.)
Tag stages of development for each applicant and record contact dates
See who has inquired and how many applicants are in each stage of development; inquire by date range or application stage
Audit Trail Module
Preserves a running history of changes in each loan record and who made them
Notes specific changes to loan terms, including the previously saved information
Tracks the user and timestamp for transactions such as batches and payments
Auto-Adjustable Payments
Handles standard payments, interest-only payments, or re-amortized payments.
Use the billing system to automatically adjust payment amounts according to the terms of the loan.
Business Intelligence Connector
Capital Manager Module
Track your organization’s sources of lending capital; track matching requirements for capital commitments from these funding sources
Analyze the organization’s repayment requirements back to source; monitor the performance of the master loan account and participating loan funds
Track the flow of funds within the Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) accounts and Loan Loss Reserve (LLR) accounts
Monitor cash flow for each Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) and Loan Loss Reserve (LLR) account; analyze funds available to lend; monitor funds committed but not yet loaned
Analyze the spread between your cost of funds and the earnings performance of the loan portfolio; track the generation of excess earnings that may be captured as program income
CDFI Reporting Module
Store information on all transaction-level data required by the current CDFI reporting requirements; conform to specialized demographic categories outlined by CDFI manual
Comply with the CDFI’s preferred reporting format (XML) for electronic reporting; upload data directly to the CDFI website; print reports summarizing data transmitted to the CDFI
CECL Module
Uses the CECL Weighted Average Remaining Maturity (WARM) method to calculate your allowance for credit losses.
Allows you to create weighted Risk Pools and assign loans to them.
Allows you to define changing internal and external factors upon which to base your predictive calculations
Offers the ability to track delinquency to calculate expected losses.
Client Manager Module
Keep track of the TA hours you provide; enter full narrative descriptions of the TA task you perform for each client
Produce summary reports by client, by staff, or by type of technical assistance; analyze how much time you spend on each type of TA; monitor your technical assistance plans
Create outcome categories (such as job creation, revenue generation); monitor and analyze TA hours
Credit Bureau Reporting Module
Report the credit history of all your borrowers on a timely and regular basis; comply with Metro II format (required by all national bureaus: Equifax, Experian, Innovis, TransUnion); review the credit file in detail prior to submitting it to the bureaus
Guide your clients into the economic mainstream by reporting on their performance in your lending program
Unless they are large enough to report independently to the credit bureaus, organizations may be required to report through Credit Builders Alliance (CBA) which was set up to assist community lenders
Custom API
Document Origination Module
Create templates for any individual loan documents you need from origination to payoff. Populate templates with information from debtors and loan terms. Download finished documents from individual loan records. There are no limits on how many templates or documents you create.
Document Storage Module
Store, manage, and access all the documents you need including PDFs, images, word documents, and spreadsheets up to 50 GB. Extra storage available in 50 GB increments.
Escrow Module
Define escrow categories (such as taxes, insurance, management fees); post payments automatically to escrow reserve
Monitor escrow account balances for individual borrower accounts; analyze escrow reserves by loan fund or entire portfolio
Exporter Module
Creates an export file that can be imported into general ledger systems. Currently available for MIP Fund Accounting, BlackBaud, Business Central, and Sage Intacct with more to follow.
Creates required reports for both Transactions and Balances
Importer Module
Creates borrowers, loans, and initial loan disbursement based on an import file.
Creates transactions on existing loans based on an import file.
IRS FIRE reporting
LenderFit API Module
Create and manage loan applications and documents in Lenderfit, then push a button to transfer applicant, business, and proposed loan details to DLM where you can create, fund, and service the loan.
Loan Loss Reserve Module
Assign the percentage required for loan loss reserve according to the risk factors you establish for your portfolio
Monitor the reserve requirements for each loan fund and the portfolio as a whole; analyze whether current loan loss reserves are sufficient to cover the risk factors
Outcome Tracker API Module
Track customizable client information in Outcome Tracker, including client notes and demographics; see all DLM lending activity on shared client records in Outcome Tracker; changes made in one system are updated in the other
Participation Module
Disburse funds from multiple loan programs; define separate terms for each participation loan; issue a single bill to the borrower that reflects the master participation loan; override set terms and payment allocations when necessary
Apportion repayments to each participating loan fund; monitor the performance of the master loan account and participating loan funds
Create transaction reports by subloan and by master participation loan
Pre-Scheduler Module
Allows you to build a schedule that presets changing terms for a loan to follow over its life cycle
Accommodates seasonal loans, stepped payments, interest-only periods, tiered interest rates, scheduled balloon payments, etc.
Automatically adjusts billing statements to reflect specific changes called for by the predefined schedule
QuickBooks Desktop Module
Include transaction, loan and customer-level data; match up fund accounts in your existing QuickBooks company file, or have DLM set up accounts for you; synchronize data whenever you choose; prepare sales deposits and receipts for easy review within QuickBooks
QuickBooks Online Module
Include transaction, loan, and customer-level data; match up fund accounts in your existing QuickBooks company file, or have DLM set up accounts for you; synchronize data whenever you choose; prepare sales deposits and receipts for easy review within QuickBooks
Retained Earnings Module
Tag individual loans that are subject to a retained earnings fee and specify the exact percentage to be retained on each loan
Run individual loan reports or portfolio reports displaying retained earnings income
Sage Intacct Module
Include transaction, loan, and customer-level data; match up fund accounts in your existing Sage Intacct company file. Synchronize data whenever you choose and categorize transactions into the dimensions that you choose with Sage Intacct. Setup dimensions at the subfund or loan level.
Salesforce Exporter Module
SBA Community Advantage (1502) Reporting Module
Produces SBA 1502 files that need to be submitted to CAFS.
Calculates total amounts to wire to CAFS. Includes break-outs to the SBA and the secondary market.
SBA Microloan Reporting Module
Takes the information you’ve already entered in DLM and exports it into XML formatted files that can be uploaded to the new MPERS website portal
Submits required information on the borrower, business, and details of the microloan itself; validates that all required demographic information about the individual borrower and business has been submitted, as well as essential loan characteristics (e.g., approved amount, closing date, interest rate, etc.)
Updates all of the active SBA loan accounts previously entered into MPERS with latest balances, delinquency status, and outcomes such as job creation and improved revenue; gathers up information about loans that terminated during the reporting period and reports on their final outcomes
Tailored Reports
Tailored queries can be written to cross-reference selected DLM data points and generate tailored CSV outputs.
Take advantage of an ever-growing library of tailored reports created for other DLM users.
Confer with DownHome engineers to define the specs and determine the cost for each tailored report.
Online Client Portal Module
Borrowers can log in to see their loan terms and transaction history, download billing statements, and produce an amortization schedule